In the past few years,
I had begun to feel that my birth name
did not fully express how I have grown & continue to develop
with my Vedic Meditation
I shared this with Thom,
he blessed me with the beautiful name
another name for Sita,
daughter of Janaka
the enlightened King of Mithilia
from the Ramāyana.
Sita is also seen as an incarnation of
Śri Lakshmi
In Exploring the Veda 1, we learn
Nāma Rūpa
sahitam eva bhavati
translated by Thom as:
Name and Form
are infinitely correlated indeed
Nāma = Name
Rūpa = Form
sahitam = together
eva = indeed
bhavati = they become
He also shared the story of the evolution of his name to Maharishi Vyasananda Saraswati, saying that names can evolve along with the individual. Today, I reflect on the energetic resonance of my new spiritual name and the arc of the story of evolution.
May we all find greater happiness & understanding with each step toward Unity Consciousness.
Love & Jai Guru Deva