25 Qualities of the Unified Field

1 Total Potential of Natural Law (all the laws of nature)

2 Infinite Organizing Power

3 Fully Awake Within Itself

4 Infinite Correlation

5 Perfect Orderliness

6 Infinite Dynamism

7 Infinite Creativity

8 Pure Knowledge

9 Unboundedness

10 Perfect Balance

11 Self-Sufficiency

12 All Possibilities

13 Infinite Silence

14 Harmonizing

15 Evolutionary

16 Self-Referral

17 Invincibility

18 Immortality

19 Unmanifest

20 Nourishing

21 Integrating

22 Simplicity

23 Purifying

24 Freedom

25 Bliss


Knowing the Self

Fulfilling the Destiny of the Individualized Soul
Jiva v Atma

The faint remains of ignorance is the thread that keeps us embodied.
It is also the theme through which the Self knows its self.

To find one’s dharmic path to Unification with Self, investigate this theme.

I’ve found that my work with Chinese Medicine helped me to recognize patterns and connections to better understand the bigger picture, while my personal research into the Ved reveals the underlying Truth of Existence.

Elevate your Story

As you navigate your own path, let me help you through investigating your own Nature and Patterns. And with daily practice of Vedic Meditation, the physiology is less burdened by distortions that can be created by the accumulation of stress memory.

We are unique puzzles with a unified source. The joy of finding the Self within the self is the whole directive of Life.

Living the Knowledge

I am embarking on an epic journey of mind, body & soul this coming January. I go with the intention of connecting with other life forces to create something unique and aligned with Nature’s Intent for this space/time. I am fully surrendered to plans in place and open to the element of natural chaos that is inherent in masses of this size. Over 400 million people are expected to attend this cyclical event called the Kumbha Mela in Jan/Feb 2025. To give this a sense of relative scale, the population of the United States of America is estimated at 334.9 million in 2023.

We will meet at the confluence of three sacred rivers, the Yamuna, the Ganga, and the Saraswati (mythical) Rivers.

With the added celestial events that designate, particularly auspicious “bathing” dates. I will be on-site for the first two of three Royal Bathing Days.

I see myself as part scientist, part artist, and part celestial being embodied to make use of the material world to reach the masses. May my work & images be evocative and inspirational to spark the inner flame within hearts to reveal the Underlying Truth within us all.

Consciousness [Space] is the driver. The body [Earth] is an instrument to enact change. The action to be documented is the medium through which the story will be revealed.

Light [Fire], Atmosphere [Air] & the Rivers [Water] complete the elemental picture.

Invocation of highest self
śrī paramātmane namaḥ

 Ode to Sūrya, The Witness of All Things


My first Sunrise in Mexico City, October 31st, 2024

Oh manifest and unmanifest, 

wave and ray of breath, 

red lotus of insight, 

transfix us from eye to navel to throat, 

under canopy of stars

spring from soil in an unbroken 

arc of light that we might 

immerse ourselves until lit 

from within like the sun itself. 

translated from the Sanskrit
Ravi Shankar, Pushcart Prize-winning poet

Householders omit:
praṇava | प्रणव
[ bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaḥ ]

tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi |

dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt ||

तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि ।
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥

– Rigveda 3.62.10