victory of light over darkness
November 9th - 14th, 2023
Photo by Samadhi Collective
Diwali symbolizes
triumph of light (knowledge)
darkness (ignorance)
It's a celebration of light & love.
The specific customs and traditions can vary among regions and communities, but the core message of Diwali remains universal.
In times of difficulty or conflict,
it is important to know that wars are meant to be fought inside - in the subtler realms.
Rather than contributing fear or anger, take some time to address these themes inside yourself by transforming them into positive action.
It can be done simply by keeping up your daily practice, which it itself, contributes a stabilizing force. You can also see some suggestions below: )
Themes we can celebrate during this auspicious time:
Victory of Light over Darkness
Renewal of life and new beginnings
Spiritual Renewal / Meditation
Ways to Honor and Celebrate:
Lighting of Lamps
signifies the removal of spiritual darkness
Acts of kindness
Cleaning your space
to clear negativity & welcome in all that is life-affirming
with flowers and colorful decorations
Enjoy Shared Experience with friends and family
Our Rishi Manifesto
saha nā vavatu
saha nau bhunaktu
saha vīryam karavāvahai
tejasvi nāvadhītamastu
mā vidviṣāvahai
सह नाववतु।
सह नौ भुनक्तु।
सह वीर्यं करवावहै।
तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु
मा विद्विषावहै।
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